Function CSVArray(CSVFile)
Dim comma, quote
comma = ","
quote = Chr(34)
Dim charPos, charVal
Dim cellPos, colMax, colNum
colMax = -1
Dim cellArray(), cellComplete, cellQuoted, csvRecord
Dim inCsvSys, inCsv, inRow(), rowCount
rowCount = -1
Set inCsvSys = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set inCsv = inCsvSys.OpenTextFile(CSVFile,"1",True)
Do While Not inCsv.AtEndOfStream
rowCount = rowCount + 1
Redim Preserve inRow(rowCount)
inRow(rowCount) = inCsv.ReadLine
For r = 0 to rowCount
csvRecord = inRow(r)
colNum = -1
charPos = 0
cellComplete = True
Do While charPos < Len(csvRecord)
If (cellComplete = True) Then
colNum = colNum + 1
cellPos = 0
cellQuoted = False
cellComplete = False
If colNum > colMax Then
colMax = colNum
Redim Preserve cellArray(rowCount,colMax)
End If
End If
charPos = charPos + 1
cellPos = cellPos + 1
charVal = Mid(csvRecord, charPos, 1)
If (charVal = quote) Then
If (cellPos = 1) Then
cellQuoted = True
charVal = ""
Select Case Mid(csvRecord, charPos+1, 1)
Case quote
charPos = charPos + 1
Case comma
charPos = charPos + 1
cellComplete = True
End Select
End If
ElseIf (charVal = comma) And (cellQuoted = False) Then
cellComplete = True
End If
If (cellComplete = False) Then
cellArray(r,colNum) = cellArray(r,colNum)&charVal
End If
CSVArray = cellArray
End Function
How to use the function?
Dim csv
csv = CSVArray(D:\Sample.csv)
For r = 0 to UBound(csv,1)
sText = csv(r,0) 'Read first column value
sNum = csv(r,1) 'Read second column value
Tuesday, May 3, 2016
Read CSV file using VB Script
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