1. Following Link List shown in Diagram A needs to be converted to the Link List given in Diagram B. Show all the steps needed to do the conversion using the given Link object pointers.
P3 = P3→Next
P3→Next = First→Next
First→Next = P3
P2 = P2→Next
P2→Next = NULL
2. The following ordered Link List is given to you, write a method called orderedInsert to insert a Link at the correct position.(Hint: Ordered list is a Link List where the elements are sorted in either Ascending or Descending order)
void LinkedList::orderedInsert(int value)
Link *previous = first, *current = first;
while (current!=NULL)
if (value < current→dData)
previous = current;
current = current→next;
Link *newLink = new Link(value);
NewLink→next = current;
if (current == first)
first = newLink;
previous→next = newLink;
3. Implement a destructor for the LinkedList class.
cout << "Destructor called";
Link *current = first; // start at beginning of list
Link *previous = current;
while(current != NULL) // until end of list,
previous = current;
current = current->next; // move to next link
delete previous;
4. Show step by step how binary search would search for the following items from the data array given below.
(a) Search for 67
(b) Search for -90
(c) Search for 89
Data Array
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 20 40 67 78 79 85 90 95 125
↑ ↑
bottom top
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